الأحد، 21 نوفمبر 2010
الاثنين، 15 نوفمبر 2010
final draft
Final draft *The educational system*
The educational system in any country is very important. It consists of four elements: teacher, student, curriculum, and the educational environment .These elements are very important for any successful educational system. If one of these elements fails, the educational system will face serious problems. Thus, we should face these problems and find appropriate solutions as the education is a great mean to achieve progress.
In Egypt ,the educational system faces many problems .There is lack of good teachers for example, in the primary stage a teacher of math can teach others subject such as English ,science .Also the materials are so old , bad and not interesting at all as it depends on rote learning rather than thinking . In addition to that there is bad relationship between students and teachers and there is not any kind of respect between them. Also there are not enough laboratories so the students have to memorize all theories without any kind of practice or training .Besides that the buildings are so bad and there are not enough classrooms to include all students that reflect badly on the learning process.
There are some suggest solutions for improving the educational system in Egypt . The ministry of education should update the curriculum and make it more attractive and suitable to students and with the field of work. The teachers should use the technology and teaching aids to facilitate the process of learning. In addition to that all schools should provided with modern laboratories and libraries and students should train in using computers and logging onto the internet web to get in touch with information resources in all over the world .
To sum up, education helps us to build our society, our progress and our future. The ministry of education should put serious strategies to solve the problems of the educational system and improve it, as the educational system is necessary to any country.
الأربعاء، 10 نوفمبر 2010
First draft

First draft *The educational system*
The educational system in any country is very important. It consists of four elements: teacher, student, curriculum, and the educational environment .These elements are very important for any successful educational system. If one of these elements fails, the educational system will face serious problems. Thus, we should face these problems and find appropriate solutions as the education is a great mean to achieve progress.
In Egypt ,the educational system faces many problems .There is lack of good teachers for example, in the primary stage a teacher of math can teach others subject such as English ,science .Also the materials are so old , bad and not interesting at all as it depends on rote learning rather than thinking . In addition to that there is bad relationship between students and teachers and there is not any kind of respect between them. Also there are not enough laboratories so the students have to memorize all theories without any kind of practice or training .Besides that the buildings are so bad and there are not enough classrooms to include all students that reflect badly on the learning process.
There are some suggest solutions for improving the educational system in Egypt . The ministry of education should update the curriculum and make it more attractive and suitable to students and with the field of work. The teachers should use the technology and teaching aids to facilitate the process of learning. In addition to that all schools should provided with modern laboratories and libraries and students should train in using computers and logging onto the internet web to get in touch with information resources in all over the world .
To sum up, education helps us to build our society, our progress and our future. The ministry of education should put serious strategies to solve the problems of the educational system and improve it, as the educational system is necessary toany any country.
الأحد، 7 نوفمبر 2010
Out Line (The educational system in Egypt )
The education system is the mirror that reflects the level of progress.
Body (1):
The problems that face the educational system in Egypt :-
* Buildings are in bad condition.
* Lack of good teachers.
* increasing numbers of students.
* Bad materials.
Body (2):-
Some suggested solutions to solve the educational system in Egypt :-
* update the curriculum.
* providing good educational environment.
* providing enough classrooms.
* training the teachers to use modern educational methods in teaching.
The conclusion:-
To sum up, we should put our hands together to reshape the educational system in Egypt , as it is important to any country which seeks progress.
final draft
Woman's work
One of the biggest decisions is that a women must make is whether to stay home with her children or to go t o work .Today woman has entered the field of work and achieved success . Men are equal to women and they have the same rights. So, there are some people agree with woman's work and others who are against woman's work. My point of view is that woman's place is in her house .
On one hand, woman's work is very important nowadays. There are some people who agree with woman's work. They assure that woman should work to achieve her self esteem . Also, it is necessary for her to work to improve her skills and to apply what she had studied before. In addition to that she should to be financially independent from her husband. Many women work to increase their incomes and to help their husbands. Work protects women against certain negative aspects of being full-time homemakers .women prefer to work to spend her time in work especially when she is divorced and to make friendship and to interact with others to exchange information .
On the other hand ,some people are against woman's work for many reasons . They argue that woman neglects most of her duties in her home as a wife and as a mother as she spend most of her time out side the home .If she has baby ,she needs to put him on babysitters or day care and therefore she should pay a lot of money .Some people argue that there are a lot of problems that result from woman's work such as increasing in divorce rate and/ or unstable relationship amongst couples. Work has a bad effect on her health as she retuned her house very tired .So I am against woman's work .As my mother is a working woman and she faces a lot of problems .
To sum up , men and women are by no means equal ,but I think that her first role is to stay at home and to take care of her family. Woman's work should be a carefully planned decision.
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